Tags: Drug Addiction, Well-Paid Professionals
5 Reasons Why Drug Addiction Is More Common Amongst Well-Paid Professionals Than You Might Expect

If surveyed people about who they imagine a typical person entering a drug rehab might be, it is almost certain that a majority would describe someone who has come from a broken home, perhaps an abusive childhood or whose life has been one mired in poverty. That classic model of a typical drug addict probably comes from media depictions of drug use and abuse.
Whilst it cannot be denied that some people who have not had the most idyllic of lives do turn to drugs, it must also be pointed out, that many well-paid professionals have also fallen under the spell of drugs and require drug rehab services.
Although they do not account for the majority of drug users, and some surveys put the percentage of those who could be classified as ‘professionals’ who admit to using illegal drugs regularly is around 10%. That might not seem a huge number, but it accounts for over 250,000 individuals who have a drug problem in Australia.
One myth to dismiss immediately is that the main reason professionals with high incomes are regular drug takers is because they can afford it. Ask anyone who helps those addicted to drugs and they will tell you that, for their patients, the amount of money they have is not what drives their drug use, it is their addiction. Actually, those with little or no income are usually able to fund their habit whenever they need to, albeit some may turn to crime to do so.