4 SEO Blunders That Will Kill Your Holiday Villa Marketing Business’s Google Rankings

If you want to drive more traffic to your holiday villa marketing business’s website, you certainly are not lacking in strategies that could help you achieve that objective. However, some of these will only work for a short period, so if you are looking for a longer-term option then the online business experts at www.northland.com.au would advise you to implement an SEO campaign.
The reason we say SEO is a long term solution is that it is not an overnight fix, and many of the actions that you might include in an effective SEO campaign can take weeks or even moths to achieve results. However, this gives you two advantages. The first is that due to the commitment and patience needed, many of your competitors will turn their backs on SEO, leaving the field open to you.
The second reason why your patience will pay off, is that once your website starts achieving high rankings, including at the very top of page one, it is likely to remain there provided you do not undo all the good work that has already taken place. Google appreciates high quality websites which are optimised for those who visit them, and much of that optimisation positively impacts on where it ranks those websites.
eCommerce Essentials to Consider

It is an exciting time to set up your very own ecommerce store. Few people have the time or expertise to do this on their own, so don’t be afraid to bring in expert help. While it will cost you, it will save time and a steep learning curve. Besides that, professional help will ensure your new online business store looks professional and works properly.
When dealing with the public on a commercial basis there are several things to put in place on your website to protect you and to help gain trust so your visitors will become customers. It’s important to be transparent and part of this is to have all your policies clearly explained and in a place where they can be found easily.
Policies include a returns policy so customers can be assured that if the goods are not right for them or are damaged, they won’t lose money over the deal. You also need to have terms of use and have it linked to a tick box to ensure they have read and understood all about it before they buy. Clauses in this will be about liability to protect you from litigation.