Top 3 Add-ons in ExpressionEngine

Even if you are a whiz at using ExpressionEngine, you can benefit from it a lot more if you download a few add-ons for it. Add-ons can be designed specifically to facilitate the content creation process, help with the website SEO and internet marketing strategies – or some other functions for those using this CMS.
Here are some of the best ones that are a hit with seasoned developers and newbies alike:
1. Matrix
As the name implies, this add-on is a field type that can aid you in making matrices for your content. As an administrator you can use this to add several rows for similar content to streamline content management and without duplicating fields or using difficult templates. Some of the things you can do with it is rotating a hero section on a homepage or a personalized field that requires an image, title, URL and link text. You can also allow other admin to make hero messages as per requirement and allot minimum and maximum figures.